Chanukah in Carefree
Nightly Menorah Lighting
December 25, 2024 – January 1, 2025 | 5:30pm
at the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion
in Carefree, Arizona
This is an outdoor event with enhanced security measures in place.
We are also LIVE streaming on selected nights. Please use the links provided below to LIVE STREAM on a specific night, or to view the recording of the event afterwards.

Expenses for the Chanukah in Carefree (CIC) eight-night event have increased over the years as we strive to make this event safe and more successful for the community. We welcome donations to help us with these expenses and thank you for your consideration. Spirit in the Desert has generously offered to handle all the finance management for Chanukah in Carefree, at no cost. Donations for expenses can be received online at You can also get to their website by clicking on the DONATE NOW link to the left.
Please make sure to note Chanukah in Carefree expenses, as the designated recipient of your donation on the online details. Spirit in the Desert can provide receipts on all donations received.
Chanukah Events Calendar and LIVE Stream Links

Tuesday, December 31st
5:30pm MST
Enjoy a special Chanukah celebration bringing in the new year
Have a toast with sparkling cider and
enjoy delicious Sufganiyot and other
traditional treats

Wednesday, January 1st
5:30pm MST
Carefree Cave Creek
Chamber of Commerce
Celebrate with your community
on the last night of Chanukah and
the first day of the New Year
delicious Potato Pancakes (Latkes) and
other traditional sweet treats.