Our Contributors
The following organizations are our major supporters of Chanukah in Carefree 2024 for which we are very grateful! If you are interested in supporting Chanukah in Carefree 2025, please contact us using the following link.

The Jewish Community Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix have integrated to form the Center for Jewish Philanthropy of Greater Phoenix. The intent in bringing these two Jewish philanthropic organizations together is to enhance the two organizations’ combined strengths and resources to better serve the diverse Jewish community in the Valley.
This year the CJP is a major supporter of Chanukah in Carefree for which we are very grateful. CJP aims to put donor intent at the heart of philanthropy. The CJP will also be leading the lighting and program on Community Night with the Valley of the Sun JCC on the 6th night of Chanukah, December 30th. The CJP strives to understand the Jewish community’s interests and help support the projects and programs that the community cares about most. They help identify and support the future leaders of the Phoenix Jewish community. They also assist the community with the resources needed to help ensure safe and secure Jewish institutions.
The Phoenix CJP provides opportunities for philanthropy and engagement at all stages of Jewish life. Please see their website for a monthly Jewish activities calendar, more information on their services, related organizations, to get involved, or to make a contribution to their campaign. For more information on Center for Jewish Philanthropy go to their website: https://phoenixcjp.org/

The Kiwanis Club of Carefree is a fellowship of patriotic, civic-minded men and women dedicated to improving the quality of life of children in our communities. Special emphasis is on service projects that focus on “Children Number One” through volunteer participation and community support. Serving the children in our communities the Kiwanis of Carefree is one of the largest Kiwanis clubs in the world and have helped Chanukah in Carefree this year with a very generous grant. For more information on Kiwanis of Carefree go to their website: https://kiwaniscarefree.org

We are committed to partnering with you to find the health benefits plan that best fits your needs. Madison and Jodi are local licensed agents who are caring and committed to providing exceptional customer service and resources to the community. Please contact them for more information:
Madison Baggett: 480-540-4607 moroake@humana.com and/or
Jodi Atkins: 480-208-1302 Jatikins1@humana.com

APS has been supporting Chanukah in Carefree through the Town of Carefree for years. Their generous grant has provided many services that have helped Chanukah in Carefree grow each and keep the light shining on this holiday celebration every year. For more information on APS please go to their website: https://www.aps.com

Spirit in the Desert is an amazing retreat center that welcomes people of all faiths to experience the pure beauty of God’s creation in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. They are a tremendous resource for the local community and are a 501 c3 that welcome donations to help them provide more high quality community minded events. They warmly welcome Chanukah in Carefree to their facilities, when needed, and provide our event with year round financial support to help us manage this event, and at no cost. For more information on Spirit in the Desert go to their website: https://spiritinthedesert.org

Temple Chai inspires and ignites robust Jewish life in the greater Phoenix area. The temple has been integral to Chanukah in Carefree since the first year in 2017, and donated the 6 ½ foot tall Menorah, which we are still using today. For more information on Temple Chai go to their website: https://www.templechai.com
The following organizations or business establishments are supporting Chanukah in Carefree (CIC) 2024 in a variety of helpful ways. If you are interested in supporting Chanukah in Carefree, please contact us using the following link.
An Eye On You Productions; Photography by Herbert Hitchon
Herbert and Lyn Hitchon have been providing wonderful Photography services for Chanukah In Carefree since the first year of this event. For more information on their photography company, go to their website aneyeonyouproduction.com
Jade Palace
This true family business goes back three generations to the Guangdong Province of China where Grandfather Mei owned his first restaurant in the outskirts of Hong Kong. The Mei family migrated to America in the 1980’s where their first restaurant was in New York City. In 1996 the Mei family opened their first Scottsdale restaurant, and make the most delicious Chinese food in the valley. Jade Palace has been very generous to Chanukah in Carefree, and this year again will be providing food on the 2nd night of Chanukah, the 26th of December. For more information go to their website: pinnacle.jadepalace-az.com
The Grotto Cafe
The Grotto Cafe is a cherished institution in this area and not only serves great food and drinks, but is an amazing community meeting place and a community minded business. Grotto has been supporting Chanukah in Carefree for years, and again this year provides our community with a generous supply of waters, to help keep us all hydrated in the desert night air. For more information on The Grotto Cafe go to their website: grottocafe.com
Tech 4 Life Computers and Websites
Tech 4 Life is our web designer and has provided wonderful web services to Chanukah in Carefree since 2020. For more information on Tech 4 Life go to their website: techfourlife.com
Varsity Sports Show
Varsity Sports Show is an organization created by Vince D’ Aliesio, to spotlight great events in the community, through radio, television, podcast and livestream. Varsity Sports Show has been providing support to Chanukah in Carefree since 2020, when during Covid, this event began providing virtual access through Live Streaming. For more information on Varsity Sports Show go to their website: https://kdus1060.com/varsity-sports-show/
Foothills Shevatim
This is a local Social Group that is led by one of the Chanukah in Carefree Volunteers. This group has contributed greatly in various ways to support this event financially and in kind services. For more information on Foothills Shevatim contact: Sheryl Greenspan at sherylgreenspan2850@gmail.com
Shaina Rach Bakes
A wonderful local baker will be providing Chanukah cookies on the 1st night of Chanukah (Social Night) and the 6th night of Chanukah, December 30th and Valley of the Sun JCC and Center for Jewish Philanthropy Night. For more information on Shaina Rach Bakes contact: Shainarachbakes@gmail.com
Samz Sweetz
Another wonderful local baker will be selling Challahs on the 1st and 2nd nights of Chanukah (Wednesday and Thursday, December 25th and 26th) and be donating Challahs for our Shabbat ceremony (Friday, December 27th). She will also be providing delicious and authentic sufganiyot many of the other nights of Chanukah too. Samantha provides a percentage of all sales to our Spirit of Giving recipient, The Foothills Food Bank. For more information on Samantha contact: samzsweetz1@gmail.com
Carefree Coffee Roastery
Owners Lars and Maggie not only believe that a true coffee experience is not only their high quality and attention to detail and a safe and comfortable space, but their goal of supporting the community is paramount. Carefree Coffee Roastery has been supportive of Chanukah in Carefree for years and this year is helping with some specialty items including Hot Chocolate and Hot Apple Cider.
Mohr Group Realty Executives
This excellent Real Estate firm has been helping families since 1985 and supporting Chanukah in Carefree for years. For more information on the Mohr group go to their website: mohrhomes.com
Phoenix Holocaust Association
The Phoenix Holocaust Association has generously helped Chanukah in Carefree identify meaningful speakers to bring the Holocaust experience to life for community, and they also provide sweet traditional Sufganiyot to celebrate the holiday. For more information on the Phoenix Holocaust Association, go to their website https://phxha.com/
One of the Chanukah in Carefree volunteers is a top representative of Humana and brings sweets to our event for all our attendees to enjoy, almost every night. For more information on Humana contact Madison Baggett at moroake@humana.com
Congregation Kehillah
The Sukenik and Asher families are sponsoring the aromatic spice bags being provided on Shabbat Havdalah on December 28th to all Chanukah in Carefree attendees.
Glaze Doughnuts
This local baker is providing delicious sufganiyot for Chanukah in Carefree this year. For more information go to their website: glazedonutscarefree.com
Culinary by Julie
This caterer’s Potato Latkes are always a huge hit and we are looking forward to Julie providing this delicious Chanukah treat again this year on the first and last nights of Chanukah (December 25th and January 1st ). For more information go to their website www.culinarybyjulie.com.
Cee Rock Design
Cee Rock Design is our Graphics designer for Chanukah in Carefree who has provided a great new look on all our promotional materials. For more information on Cee Rock Design contact: colleen@heavenslightwellness.com
Foothills Caring Corps
Foothills Caring Corps was the Chanukah in Carefree selected Spirit of Giving recipient twice in the past and they continue to be a great partner to the community and this event through their availability to provide the community with transportation possibilities so they can attend our event in person. For more information on Foothills Caring Corp please visit their website at foothillscaringcorps.com
We want to thank local businesses and the entire local community who came through for us when we had a last-minute cancellation of the coffee and hot water service for this event. Thank you Hampton Inn Carefree. for brewing the hot coffee each night. Thank you Village Coffee Shop at Stagecoach Village, for providing hot water (for the tea, hot chocolate and hot cider). In addition, thank you to the Greenspan family for contributing to the condiments needed and helping to resolve this so quickly along with our Chanukah in Carefree Volunteers, Foothills Shevatim members, and others in the community who reached out and helped us in so many ways. Our hearts are full!
We thank Safeway and Sprouts who have provided gift cards to Chanukah in Carefree so that we can purchase items that are needed and used during the event.
The following business establishments have generously donated a variety of items for Chanukah in Carefree which will be raffled or silent auctioned over the 8 nights of this event to raise money for our selected “Spirit of Giving” charity, who this year is the Foothills Food Bank. The businesses in BOLD have donated significant items to the Silent Auction in an effort to raise significant money for Foothills Food Bank. The Silent Auction takes place every night and winners will be announced on the last night of Chanukah. To make a financial donation to the Foothills Food Bank please use this link.
Adam & Eve Med Spa | adamandevemedspa.com
Athens on Easy Street | athensoneasy.com
Bare Matters | barematters.com
Beauty & Bliss | beautyandblissspa.com
Bela Fidel Fine Art | fidelabstractoils.com
Big Bronco Cave Creek Furniture & Gifts | bigbroncocavecreek.com
Bilinda’s Vintage Treasures | https://g.co/kgs/LaKQmVc
Bosco’s Biscuits | boscosbiscuits.com
Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce | carefreecavecreek.org
Carefree Coffee Roastery | carefreecoffeeroastery.com
Cave Creek Candles & Gifts | cavecreekcandles.com
Cave Creek Olive Oil Company | cavecreekoliveoil.com
Cindi Gittleman Art | collagepainter.com
Civana Wellness Resort & Spa | civanacarefree.com
Cox Communications | cox.com
Cryin’ Coyote Barbecue | cryincoyotebbq.com
Daisy Blue/Pretty Please Boutique | website
Dorleg Creations | dorlegcreations.com
Easy Street Boutique
English Tea Room | carefreetea.com
First Watch Restaurant | firstwatch.com
Grace Renee Gallery | gracereneegallery.com
Greenspan Family | sherylgreenspan2850@gmail.com
Irene Newman Beaded Jewelry | https://www.pinterest.com/IreneNewman/
JJ’s Delicatessen | jjsdeliaz.com
Joan Millman Art | joanmilman.com
Keeler’s Neighborhood Steakhouse | keelerssteakhouse.com
L Skincare | l-skincare.com
Meat Market | themeatmarketcc.com
MedSpa810 Scottsdale | medspa810scottsdale.com
Meg Harper Art | megharper.com
Nina Bloom Designs | sherylgreenspan2850@gmail.com
On the Map, Inc. | karen@katopaz.com
Rare Earth Gallery | rareearthgallerycc.com
Rusty Cowgirls | rustycowgirls.com
Sam’s Barbershop | website
Samz Sweetz | sbayer14@gmail.com
Shaina Rach | Instagram
Stumbalina’s Cantina | stumblinascantinaaz.com
Tech 4 Life | techfourlife.com
Village Coffee and Creperie | thevillagecoffeshop.com
Why Hello Modern Home | whyhellomodernhome.com
Wild Holly Gallery | wildhollygallery.com
The following business establishments have generously donated a variety of items for Chanukah in Carefree which will be raffled or silent auctioned over the 8 nights of this event to raise money for our selected “Spirit of Giving” charity, who this year is the Foothills Food Bank. The businesses in BOLD have donated significant items to the Silent Auction in an effort to raise significant money for Foothills Food Bank. The Silent Auction takes place every night and winners will be announced on the last night of Chanukah. To make a financial donation to the Foothills Food Bank please use this link.
Adam & Eve Med Spa | adamandevemedspa.com
Athens on Easy Street | athensoneasy.com
Bare Matters | barematters.com
Beauty & Bliss | beautyandblissspa.com
Bela Fidel Fine Art | fidelabstractoils.com
Big Bronco Cave Creek Furniture & Gifts | bigbroncocavecreek.com
Bilinda’s Vintage Treasures | Website
Bosco’s Biscuits | boscosbiscuits.com
Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce | carefreecavecreek.org
Carefree Coffee Roastery | carefreecoffeeroastery.com
Cave Creek Candles & Gifts | cavecreekcandles.com
Cave Creek Olive Oil Company | cavecreekoliveoil.com
Cindi Gittleman Art | collagepainter.com
Civana Wellness Resort & Spa | civanacarefree.com
Cox Communications | cox.com
Cryin’ Coyote Barbecue | cryincoyotebbq.com
Daisy Blue/Pretty Please Boutique | website
Dorleg Creations | dorlegcreations.com
Easy Street Boutique
English Tea Room | carefreetea.com
First Watch Restaurant | firstwatch.com
Grace Renee Gallery | gracereneegallery.com
Greenspan Family | sherylgreenspan2850@gmail.com
Irene Newman Beaded Jewelry | https://www.pinterest.com/IreneNewman/
JJ’s Delicatessen | jjsdeliaz.com
Joan Millman Art | joanmilman.com
Keeler’s Neighborhood Steakhouse | keelerssteakhouse.com
L Skincare | l-skincare.com
Meat Market | themeatmarketcc.com
MedSpa810 Scottsdale | medspa810scottsdale.com
Meg Harper Art | megharper.com
Nina Bloom Designs | sherylgreenspan2850@gmail.com
On the Map, Inc. | karen@katopaz.com
Rare Earth Gallery | rareearthgallerycc.com
Rusty Cowgirls | rustycowgirls.com
Sam’s Barbershop | website
Samz Sweetz | sbayer14@gmail.com
Shaina Rach | Instagram
Stumbalina’s Cantina | stumblinascantinaaz.com
Tech 4 Life | techfourlife.com
Village Coffee and Creperie | thevillagecoffeshop.com
Why Hello Modern Home | whyhellomodernhome.com
Wild Holly Gallery | wildhollygallery.com