Our Chosen Charities

Spirit of Giving Recipient
All Eight Nights

Chanukah in Carefree has proudly selected Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation as our “Spirit of Giving” charity recipient for 2023. You can donate directly to CCUEF on their website (www.ccuef.org) or by clicking to the left, on the link DONATE TO CCUEF. Every night of Chanukah there will also be raffles and a silent auction of wonderful prizes donated from many local business establishments, all the proceeds of which will be donated to CCUEF. See the full list of businesses who have generously donated raffles and silent auction items, on the Contributors tab of this Chanukah in Carefree website. During this holiday season, we hope everyone will consider coming in person to celebrate Chanukah in Carefree with the community, and contributing to CCUEF!

The Cave Creek Unified Education Foundation began in 2008 with the goal of providing additional funding to CCUSD teachers. What began as a dream and a student-led musical showcase (the original “Rock the District” concert) has transformed over the years to include our “Golf the District” golf tournament, “Run the District” Family 5K, and ongoing support for our teachers through grants and supply drives.

With the generous support of their community members and local businesses, CCUEF provides grants to CCUSD teachers to enhance their classrooms and further engage their students. By helping their teachers, they help our community thrive! As they expand their community presence, they hope to gain awareness of their mission and reach their goal of increasing support for their teachers and schools. Please help support this amazing organization.

Tzedakah Recipient:
Friday, December 8th

There is always at least one Shabbat Chanukah every year and the Bauman family, who has led this evening every year since Chanukah in Carefree’s beginning, chooses a special charity each year to support on Shabbat Chanukah. This choosing of a special charity for Shabbat is a wonderful way that the community can partake in tzedakah, which is a ritual enjoyed by many Jewish families celebrating Shabbat every week. The term tzedakah connotes giving charitable contributions but it really is much more than that. It refers to righteous behavior and is often paired with “justice”. This year the Bauman’s selected tzedakah efforts are for Purse-Impressions.

Purse-Impressions is a Cave Creek, AZ nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity organization that celebrates the accomplishments and milestones for individuals recovering from alcohol and drug treatment programs. This is accomplished by gifting a “Fresh Start” purse or backpack which allows them to begin recovery with dignity, strength and knowledge that someone cares about them.

Purse-Impressions started in the fall of 2019, and has successfully executed their programs every year. Over 4500 purses and backpacks have been distributed, in addition to school backpacks, diaper bags and a holiday toy drive for the children living in sober recovery houses with their moms.

Each bag represents Courtney, the founder Patricia Brusha’s daughter, who died suddenly and tragically at 28 years of age on June 4, 2019 from stage 4 liver cirrhosis. Courtney struggled with addiction and lost her battle from years of alcohol abuse. Courtney’s spirit lives on through each donation. This year we are collecting donations and purses for Purse-Impressions on Shabbat Chanukah, Friday night, December 8, 2023. For more information visit the website www.purse-impressions.com or contact Patricia at patricia@purse-impressions.com or call 602-814-6679.